Won't You Be My Neighbor?


Last Sunday I visited BVLD church to hear my friend, Kyle Raak, speak. Kyle spoke on the Good Samaritan story found in Luke 10:25-37. This is a story that is familiar to many and one of those stories that has become overly common, which at times, causes me to miss insights from the story in the moment… but not this time. Kyle brought a fresh perspective to this classic parable. He challenged us to look through the lens of every person in the story, stating, “Not until you can put yourself in the place of each person in the story will you be able to fully understand the depth of Jesus’ love.”

I had not considered this before. I have since reflected on each character in the story and I do see myself in each one at various times. I see my need for God’s grace and forgiveness -  from receiving help from others during my low times, to helping others in my high times, to ignoring the needy in my self-absorbed times. Too often I fool myself into believing that I only fall into the category of the Good Samaritan - the one graciously offering a helping hand. But that is simply not true. I can say that I aspire to be like him and do likewise, but in different seasons I have played the role of each character in that story.  

This is what I love about the Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM) here in Holland, Michigan. It is a ministry that is resolute, always focused on those hurting on the side of the road - literally on the street without a home or headed in that direction. GSM inspires me in their modeling of the Good Samaritan parable every day in our backyard as they assist individuals and families to get back on their feet.

They don’t judge, they just extend a hand to the hurting and seek to find them solutions.

I have had the privilege of getting to know GSM and seeing their program, Affordable Housing Connections, in action. It’s not easy work or often not visible work. It’s also an effort that cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of many other organizations, which is exactly what GSM seeks. This is what they say...

“Our job as good neighbors is to be there for one another and to work together to affirm the dignity entitled to every person as a child of God. We are inclusive, we are collaborative, and we bring our neighbors – individuals, businesses, local governments, faith-based organizations, other non-profits – together to follow the example of the Good Samaritan and heed Jesus’ words.”

GSM broadens their view and brings as many into their mission as possible. Many generous landlords in Ottawa Country offer housing at a lower than market value rates in partnership with GSM. This people-over-profits mentality reminds me of the innkeeper in the parable being willing to take in a stranger in a less than ideal situation because it was simply the right thing to do. 

I’ll never forget meeting Drew Pierce,  the GSM Executive Director, for the first time in my studio. I wish I had recorded our conversation to capture what he said. Drew is a leader gifted in  strategic big-picture thinking, but implements it with profound empathy and care. He speaks with a contagious optimism when it comes to solving the housing problem in our community. He is armed with all the stats, yet truly cares about the faces behind the numbers. He and his team make a difference in our community, especially in these trying times. Many organizations have slowed down due to COVID, but GMS has ramped up, working extra hard to keep people from losing their homes due to evictions, and continuing to not lose sight of the homeless.

It has been enlightening to dip my toes in the water of the work GSM does. We had a young family cross our path earlier this year and we felt compelled to help them.  In some ways we did, but honestly, the best thing we did for them was connect them to GSM. Not only did GSM find them housing that they could afford, they provided amazing wrap-around services to help them achieve their financial goals. They are careful to honor the dignity of those they help by providing a hand-up, not just a hand-out. After all, people long to be self-sustaining. GSM coaches, teaches and assists people to achieve stability in their lives that they can maintain.  

There are other programs offered by GSM such as Circles. Circles is tied to a national program that brings people of diverse incomes together to help low-income individuals and families achieve their financial goals. I attended a Circles meeting a while back and it was so great to see people who rarely cross paths, being brought together to help one another. It was not a financial exchange, it was leaders and advocates exchanging ideas and brainstorming solutions - people in good positions offering themselves to those in lower incomes to help them achieve their goals. 

While there are many programs under the GSM umbrella, there is one common theme - loving neighbors through tangible actions. Head to their website to learn about initiatives like Clearinghouse, Faith in Youth, Third Coast homes, and GSM Properties.

Laura Driscoll, the GSM Director of Housing Services, wrote a testimonial for my book Resolve. In part, she described it as… ”a journey which invites us to review our lives in the light of the ultimate end.” I’m so thankful to call the team at GSM my neighbor and to know that they live every day in the light of the ultimate end, an end that will find them loving and supporting their neighbor. Won’t you join them?   

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