Resolve Fifty-seven was not just an age or the landmark birthday that was his father’s last, it was a year suspended in the middle space between the loss of both parents. The revelation of the brevity of life catalyzed an urgency to maximize impact, grapple with truth and transparently share stories of God’s intervention. A year dedicated to uncovering purpose turned into a year revolutionized by God’s grace and calling ; culminating into the book Resolve. Through modern day parables, scriptural reflection, and true life stories, Resolve pairs grief with celebration, loss with anticipation, and truth with action to challenge readers to love God and their neighbor with each remaining day.
Published by Credo House Publishers
Softcover available on Amazon
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“Mitch takes risks to write this book; he is vulnerable with the hard issues of his life in order to impact ours. It will shake and stir you to resolve to leave a lasting legacy. I could not stop reading it. No matter your age, this book is for you.”
— Dan Shinabarger, Pastor